Call-for-papers announcement
2025 Annual Conference of the Society for Economic Research on Copyright Issues (SERCI)
SERCI is pleased to announce the information regarding its 22nd Annual Conference
Where: The congress will be held in Hong Kong, and hosted by The Centre for Interdisciplinary Legal Studies, The University of Hong Kong.
When: On Monday July 7 and Tuesday July 8 of 2025.
Local organiser: Prof. Ryan Whalen (The University of Hong Kong).
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Stefan Bechtold (Centre for Law and Economics, ETH Zurich).
Submissions of papers to be presented at the congress are hereby invited, and should be sent as an email attachment to, with submission deadline 15th April 2025. Successful authors will be notified on or before 30th April. At submission stage, while completed papers are encouraged, a detailed abstract is sufficient. Early submissions are appreciated. Submissions may be on any topic that uses economic analysis (theoretical or empirical) to better understand any issue related to copyright. Relevant topics include, but are not restricted to, efficient use of copyright, models of copyright piracy, optimal copyright parameters, effects of copyright upon welfare, the law and economics of copyright, copyright and its alternatives, copyright and new technologies, and copyright policy generally.
There is no registration fee for this conference. The conference organisers will pay for 3 days of local hotel accommodation for all conference presenters. Travel scholarships will be available for students and early career presenters, on a case-by-case basis.
Please feel free to circulate this call for papers as widely as possible among your colleagues. The SERCI conference website ( will be updated periodically with further news about this event.